Kayak Fishing the KING SALMON Spawn (NIGHTMARE TRIP!!) – Part 2 | Field Trips Wisconsin
January 5, 2021
How to add a Rear Hatch on your 2019 Hobie Outback Kayak
January 13, 2021How to Install the Standing H-Bar on Your Hobie Outback Kayak
Need support to stand up on your Hobie Outback Kayak? Outback! Hobie’s H-Bar makes standing and standing up from a seated position much easier. This standing bar is made from strong 12-sided aluminum extrusion that you can later add other accessories to. It folds down when you want it out of your way, and can be removed quickly via the four stainless steel pins. Watch the video for install tips and use this as a guide for setting it up to be most comfortable. Mounting hardware included.
H-Bar, Outback 2019+ – part number, 84500120
To purchase contact Pure Watersports Dana Point at (949) 661-4947
or Pure Watersports Oceanside at (760) 721-6195