How To Catch & Cook Yellow Perch – Lake Michigan | Field Trips Wisconsin
December 22, 2020
BIG SURPRISE CATCH While Kayak Bass Fishing w/ Topwater Frogs | Field Trips with Robert Field
January 3, 2021
In this occurrence I’m doing a kayak fishing move down the Thornapple River near Grand Rapids, Michigan with a marry new friends Sammi and Luis. The largemouth and smallmouth bass are on fire. We’re sharing tips for topwater frogging and a variety of other techniques for finding fish in any creek, and we too save a raccoon that noted itself in a bad spot.
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Follow Luis: http :// www.instagram.com/ luis_2 22
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####### Shop the Fishing Stuff I Use! #########
Fish Finder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Fishfinder
Fish Finder Battery- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Nocqua
High End Spinning Reel- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_HESpinning
Low End Spinning Reel- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_LESpinning
VHF Radio- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_VHF
####### Shop the Kayak Stuff I Use! #######
Gear Crate- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Ambush
Camera Boom- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Boom
Rod Holder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_RodHolder
Visibility Kit- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Visibility
Paddle- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Paddle
Life Jacket- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Chinook
Knife- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Co-Pilot
Rod Leashes- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Leashes
####### Shop the RV Stuff I Use! #########
Cell Signal Booster- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_WeBoost
Emergency InReach- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_InReach
WiFi Signal Booster- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_WiFiRanger
Verizon Jetpack Hotspot- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Jetpack
#50StatesFishing #FieldTripwithRobertField
About Robert Field:
A few years back, I trenched the corporate grind to pursue my obsessions for traveling, fishing and the outdoor lifestyle. Now I live in a travel trailer full age, fishing and exploring my direction through all 50 states and around the world.
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I Can’t BELIEVE This Happened While Kayak Fishing a Suburban River | Field Trips with Robert Field
Field Trips with Robert Field