Kayak Fishing for Offshore MONSTERS – Catch & Cook (Pt 2 of 2) | Field Trips Panama
December 16, 2020
I Can’t BELIEVE This Happened While Kayak Fishing a Suburban River | Field Trips with Robert Field
December 27, 2020
In this bout I’m linking up with my friend Jon Sowl to chase a brand-new species to me: the beautiful and DELICIOUS yellow perch. We’ll be going over rigs and tricks for catching them in Sturgeon Bay before frying them up in a luscious brew smash with slopes made of fresh parts from Jon’s garden.
Comment below and tell me your favorite room to cook up yellow perch! And who has suggestions for artificial entices to propel at these chaps? Likewise, what else is worth fishing for in the Great Lake or Minnesota?
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#fishing #perch #wisconsin
About Robert Field:
A few years back, I ditched the corporate grind to pursue my obsessions for traveling, fishing and the outdoor lifestyle. Now I live in a travel trailer full go, fishing and exploring my channel through all 50 states and around the world.
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Field Trips with Robert Field