Dana Point Kayak Fishing Alert: Choosing the Right Life Jacket
May 12, 2018
Dana Point kayak fishing alert: Cubera Snapper Panama Adventure
May 15, 2018
Dana Point Kayak Fishing Adventure: Catch a Beings Grouper in Panama
Kayak fishing for Grouper in Panama
In this bout we’re taking 10 clients kayak fishing offshore in Panama for some MONSTER fish. I hook into something gigantic that tows me faster than any fish has before until it snaps my rod clean-living in half. Then my friend Mike acre a Big 50 -pound broomtail grouper.
To go on a trip to Los Buzos, email info @losbuzos. com and they’ll reply with all the details. Tell them you want to fish with Robert Field and you can participate me on a trip out there!
Check out their YouTube at http :// www.youtube.com/ LosBuzosPanama
Learn more about Mike’s company Fish Village and all the refrigerate journeys they put together at http :// www.fishvillage.com
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####### My Favorite Brands ##########
http :// www.nrs.com
http :// www.accentpaddles.com
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http :// www.fishbrain.com
http :// www.yak-gear.com
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Camera Boom- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Boom
Rod Holder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_RodHolder
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