Dana Point Alert: Hobie Tandem Island Trimarans: Sailing the Valleys of Hawaii
May 22, 2018
Hobie Inflatable Kayaks: From the Bag to the Ocean in Moments
May 24, 2018Dana Point Sciences: Offshore Kayak Fishing with Sharks
In this incident, we’re catching BIG fish offshore at Los Buzos Resort in Panama when we get a visit from the largest shark on countries around the world. Then we jump in for a closer regard! Also watch as I get bested by an ENORMOUS fish three times in a row…
Want to join us at Los Buzos in Panama? You can! Route an email to info @losbuzos. com for informed on our all-inclusive steered fishing trips.
Mention that you want to go with Robert Field and you are able even attach me out there and co-star in an episode!
Download the FREE Fishbrain app: http :// www.fishbrain.com/ app/ FieldTrips
Comment that you attained me on YouTube& I’ll follow you back!
Get the ActionHat that I’m wearing – it FLOATS with a GoPro on it: http :// www.actionhat.com
COMMENT BELOW with what you think that big fish was that I couldn’t seem to rob! And tell me if YOU would swim with a whale shark!
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####### My Favorite Brands ##########
http :// www.nrs.com
http :// www.accentpaddles.com
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http :// www.fishbrain.com/ app/ fieldtrips
http :// www.yak-gear.com
####### Shop the Gear I Use! #########
Main Camera- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_DSLR
Action Cameras- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_GoPro5
Editing Software- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Editing
Editing Computer- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_PC
Drone- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Drone
Audio Recorder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Audio
Paddle- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Paddle
Life Jacket- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Chinook
Knife- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Co-Pilot
Gear Crate- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Ambush
Camera Boom- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Boom
Rod Holder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_RodHolder
Visibility Kit- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Visibility
Rod Leashes- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Leashes
Fish Finder Battery- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Nocqua
VHF Radio- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_VHF
Read more: youtube.com.